Q: How has the band grown from 2006
to now?
A: I think we have grown together musically
and personally. We know what we want to do with Primavera and we plan on going all the way. I think our music now from our
first EP released in 2007 has grown and improved for the best. Every song we write gets better. That’s a good sign that
keeps us going.
Q: Personally, what is your favorite
track of the EP?
A: We all love Blind probably the most
that was the last song we added to the ep.
Q: How did you feel when the members
of Lorene
Drive left to do more touring?
A: It was kind of a bum out for a little
while and slow times. It took us a little while to get back on our feet. It turned out for the best though we couldn’t
be happier.
Q: Are there special rituals that
you go though before you hit the stage?
A: ha-ha nothing really to crazy. Maybe
have a cocktail
Q: Are you guys involved with the internet
at all? Like the website or your myspace page? Do you run them yourselves?
A: Yeah we are always on the internet trying
to spread the word. We have never toured before so the internet is how we gained all of fans so far so hopefully the summer
tour turns out good.
Q: What's in your CD player or iPod
right now?
A: Regina
Spector, coldplay, At the drive in, Foreigner,
Q: What was the first album you bought
and what was the first show you went to see?
A: Lyle- the first album I bought was green
day kerplunk and the first show I went to was ZZ Top ha-ha
Q: Anything else you would like to say?
A: We hope to see everyone soon we plan
on being around for awhile. So come check us out on tour.
Q: Okay, this is the last one and I always finish it
up with this one. If you can share the stage with anyone ever, who would it be and why?
A: Lyle- I would share it with John Frusciante
of the red hot chili peppers