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Seether - Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces

Album and DVD reviews
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Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces


Shaun Morgan – Vocals, Guitar

John Humphrey– Drums

Dale Steward – Bass


            Seether, with what seems to be a changed frontman, hits the music scene with their third true album. After an eventful year for the frontman, one that we won’t go into details with, a new out look in life has emerged and a somewhat new sound has followed. It does, at least for me, to truly love this album. Back from “Disclaimer,” which was the debut U.S. album, the rougher voice and harder music Seether has materialized into a lyrical and less rough version of them selves. Don’t get me wrong, the old Seether can still be heard on this album, but it’s blended very well with the newer, more mature Seether. The album begins with a track named “Like Suicide.” It displays lyrics that unquestionably have a deep meaning for the band. It is very easy to get lost in this song. Next on the track list is the first single. “Fake It,” is a remarkable song this is sure to take off even more than it already has. “Six Gun Quota” has this unique sound that will stick inside your head and stay there. Overall this is a pretty solid album and may be the best from them to date; I’ll leave that for you to decide. The album starts off great and by the end flattens out to an “Okay” line. I’m a sucker for guitar solos and there were not enough of them for me. They kept it simple, but simple can be good and for the most part they were right. This was an album that grows, grows on you that is. The first listen you might be saying “What the hell is this,” but after a few more time through you will love at least ¾ of the album.


Rating:  7.5 out of 10

My favorite tracks:

Fake It, Fallen, Six Gun Quota


Track List:

1.      Like Suicide

2.      Fake It

3.      Breakdown

4.      FMLYHM

5.      Fallen

6.      Rise Above This

7.      No Jesus Christ

8.      Six Gun Quota

9.      Walk Away From the Sun

10.  Eyes of the Devil

11.  Don’t Believe

12.  Waste


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